Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Last Minute Details

Here we are on the week of the recital and I have some last minute information.

The Fiddle recital time has changed from 6:00 to 6:30.  Please have your child there by 6:15 so we can get tuned and start on time.  There will be seating on the picnic tables but I'm not sure if it will fit everyone so if you would like to bring camping chairs and blankets, feel free. 

The group number for the recital is Bile Them Cabbage Down.  Everyone will be playing this and it will be our opening number.  I'm sorry to do this to you all but I'm going to have a last minute rehearsal for this piece.  It will be on Thursday, August 14th at 4:30 p.m. at my mom's house (77 W 600 N Lindon) If you are unable to attend I completely understand but I will take as many of you as I can get.  Plan on 45 min for the rehearsal.

Thanks for your patience through this busy time.  If you have not payed the $10 recital fee, please try to get it to me this week.  Please feel free to ask any questions.  See you all Friday at 6:30!

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